Branding is big, especially at a corporate office! Too often you see the same bland, mass-market decor on office walls – the working world’s equivalent of a student dorm’s thumb-tacked posters. While not every office and business calls for a professional decorator and priceless works of art, lackluster decor does not project a good image of your company to visitors. Instead of heading to a big box store to pick up some generic, mass-produced art, consider a custom project from G1 Graphics.

At our corporate headquarters, we created an eye-catching wall piece consisting of a mounted sign and vinyl contour cut lettering. Contour cut vinyl is an especially wallet-friendly choice, as no substrate needs to be purchased if you have the right type of wall. As you can see in the example above, custom works allow for signs to be sized precisely: this one exactly fits the space between two doorways. Contact us to create your own piece: